1. Whate’er you do in word or deed,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
Do naught in name of man or creed,
Do all in the name of the Lord.
Do all in His name
Do all in the name of the Lord;
In word or deed, as God decreed,
Do all in the name of the Lord.
2. Be not deceived by worldly greed,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
The Spirit says Ain word or deed@,
Do all in the name of the Lord.
3. If you are toiling for a crown,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
O do not trust in world renown,
Do all in the name of the Lord.
4. Till toils and labors here are done,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
Dear Christian friends, if you’d be
Do all in the name the of Lord.