Registration for MTH Season 3, Now Available


1. is a sweet and glorious tho’t that
comes to me,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Jesus saved my soul from death and
now I’m free,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.

I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on,
Thru eternity I’ll live on,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on,
Thru eternity I’ll live on

2. When my body’s slumb’ring in the
cold, cold clay,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
There to sleep in Jesus till the
judgment day,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.

3. When the world’s on fire and
darkness veils the sun,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Men will cry and to the rocks and
mountains run,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.

4. In the glory-land, with God upon the
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Thru eternal ages singing, home
sweet home,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.


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