SOUND THE ALARM, WATCHMAN 1. Sound the alarm! Let the watchman cry!- AUp! For the day of the Lord is nigh; Who will escape from the wrath to come? Who have a place in the soul’s bright home? Sound the alarm, watchman! Sound the alarm! For the Lord will come
I LOVE, I LOVE MY MASTER 1. I love, I love my Master, I will not go out free! For He is my Redeemer; He paid the price for me. I would not leave His service, It is so sweet and blest; And in the weariest moments He gives the
O WATCHMAN ON THE MOUNTAIN HEIGHT 1. O Watchman on the mountain height, Proclaim the coming day; Behold the spires of golden fires Point upward far away. Chorus: Coming, yes, He’s coming, the Day-spring from on high; Coming, yes, He’s coming; the promised hour is nigh; Coming, yes, He’s coming;
COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS 1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest toss’d, When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Chorus: Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your
SO SEND I YOU 1. So send I you to labour unrewarded To serve unpaid, unloved, unsought, unknown, To bear rebuke, to suffer scorn and scoffing So send I you- to toil for me alone. Chorus: AAs the Father hath sent me, So send I you 2. So send I
WILL THERE BE ANY STARS? 1. I am thinking today of that beautiful land I shall reach when the sun goeth down; When thro’ wonderful grace by my Saviour I stand, Will there be any stars in my crown? Chorus: Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown,
LORD SPEAK TO ME THAT I MAY SPEAK 1. Lord, speak to me that I may speak In living echoes of Thy tone; As Thou has sought so let me seek Thy erring children, lost and lone. 2. Oh, lead me, Lord, that I may lead The wandering and the
FADING AWAY 1. Fading away like the stars of the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. Chorus: Only remembered, only remembered, Only remembered by what we have done; Thus would we
CALL FOR WORKERS 1. In the vineyard of the Lord, There is work for all to do; Will you go and work today, With a purpose strong and true? Chorus: Heed the call, brother dear, For workers today; Let your eyes see the need Of workers, today. 2. Brother, sister,
WILL JESUS FIND US WATCHING? 1. When Jesus comes to reward His servants, Whether it be noon or night, Faithful to Him will He find us watching, With our lamps all trimmed and bright? Chorus: Oh, can we say we are ready, brother? Ready for the souls bright home? Say,