TO THE WORK 1. To the work! To the work! we are servants of God, Let us follow the path that our Master has trod; With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew, Let us do with our might what our hands find to do. Chorus: Toiling on,
COME, HOLY GHOST, OUR HEARTS INSPIRE 1. Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire; Let us Thine influence prove, Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of light and love. 2. Come, Holy Ghost, for, moved by Thee, The prophets wrote and spoke; Unlock the truth, Thyself the Key, Unseal the
SPIRIT DIVINE! ATTEND OUR PRAYERS 1. Spirit divine! attend our prayers, And make our hearts Thy home; Descend with all Thy gracious powers Oh come, great Spirit, come! 2. Come as the light- to us reveal Our emptiness and woe; And lead us in those paths of life Where all
SPIRIT OF GOD 1. Spirit of God in the clear running waters, Blowing to greatness the trees on the hill, Spirit of God in the finger of morning, Chorus: Fill the earth, bring it to birth and blow where you will, Blow, blow, blow till I be but breath of
GOD IS HERE, AND THAT TO BLESS US 1. God is here, and that to bless us. With the Spirit’s quickening power; See the cloud already bending, Waits to drop the graceful shower. Chorus: Let it come, O Lord, we pray Thee, Let the shower of blessing fall; We are
COME, THOU ALMIGHTY KING 1. Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us your name to sing. Help us to praise! Father all-glorious, O’er all victorious Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. 2. Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword: Our prayer attend; Come and Thy people bless,
WAITING ON THE LORD 1. Waiting on the Lord, for the promise given; Waiting on the Lord to send from heaven; Waiting on the Lord, by our faith receiving; Waiting in the upper room. Chorus: The power! The power! Gives vict’ry over sin and purity within; The power! The power!
THE COMFORTER HAS COME 1. O spread the tidings round, wherever man is found, Wherever human hearts and human woes abound; Let every Christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound: The Comforter has come! Chorus: The Comforter has come, The Comforter has come! The Holy Ghost from Heav’n, The Father’s promise
THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSING 1. There shall be showers of blessing This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Chorus: Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
GIVE ME A DOUBLE PORTION 1. Long ago in days of old, stood a man of God we’re told, As he talked to Elijah that day; His request he did repeat, standing at Elijah’s feet, AA double portion I can hear him say. Chorus: Give me, Lord, a double portion,